My Search for the Perfect Planner

Which features make the perfect planner? Are you happy with a standard week to view diary? Do you want to be walked through goal setting for the year ahead? Or would you prefer to customise your own layout in a bullet journal? Perhaps you have done away with pen and paper, in favour of an online calendar or planner app on your smartphone.

Proper Planning and Preparation Prevents Poor Performance

I am a planner person, through and through. I have so many plates spinning between taking care of my wee family, our home, our animals and gardens, baby groups and more. But I believe it is still important to remember to send a card to friends and family on their birthdays. Organisation is the key to getting all the big things done, and remembering those special small touches, too.

So, I have tried many planners and organisers over the years. But none so far have ticked all my boxes. I usually have to adapt and customise a new planner to make it work for me. I have now honed it down to my top 10 criteria. Let’s see if I can find a planner that cuts the mustard for next year.

Essential Features

  1. Vision Board – I like to begin by visualising where I see myself in six months, a year, five years and 10 years. I find that this exercise enables me to hone in on my top priorities, so that I know where to focus my time and energy.
  2. Goal Setting – Having identified my priorities, I like to select 5-10 areas to focus on for the year ahead. I break down each overall aim into defined steps towards the final goal, with some built-in accountability and a reward to incentivise making progress!
  3. Year to View – Ideally a double page spread that gives an overview of the year ahead, so that I can easily block off weekends for visitors or highlight other blocks of time for important jobs.
  4. Recurring Monthly Tasks – There are lots of jobs that need to be done on a regular basis, such as cleaning out the fridge, deep cleaning each room in the house, washing the windows, and getting the sheep in for a foot check. Having a check list of all these jobs ensures that nothing gets missed, and saves me having to write them all out each month!
  5. Month in Focus – Another overview spread, but this time just of the month ahead. I like to set my main goal for the month and some additional objectives which I would also like to complete.
  6. Week Ahead – I use this section as a brain-dump to-do list for the week. Getting all the tasks out of my head and onto a page allows me to appraise their importance, prioritise and allocate them across the week. A habit tracker is also helpful for encouraging new desired behaviours.
  7. Day to Page – This needs to have several features. I like to begin by setting my intention and main aim for the day. I then need space to set my schedule for the day. And lastly, gratitudes and affirmations; In the evening, I make a note of three things that have made me smile, three things I am grateful for and an affirmation to take into the following day.
  8. Month in Review – At the end of each month, I take some time to ensure I am on track with my goals for the year. I reflect on how the month has gone and ensure that life is in balance. I consider any areas of improvement for the month ahead.
  9. Year in Review – I love to look back at the end of the year, to review all that has happened and all I have achieved. It is so important to take stock and reflect before looking ahead to the new year.
  10. Notes Pages – I frequently have new ideas running through my mind. I need lots of space to jot these down so that I can mull them over and return to them.

Are you a planner person? Which features are most important to you when looking for a new planner? Leave me a comment to let me know!

If you know of a planner which ticks all these boxes, please point me in the right direction! Or else, I may need to design my own.

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