An infant using a baby gym

How to Make a DIY Rainbow Themed Baby Gym

Baby gear is expensive. Especially toys. We are told that hundreds of hours has gone into optimising the balance of educational and entertainment value, whilst ensuring these items are safe and suitable for the stated age range and developmental stage. I am sure that hundreds of millions of pounds have also been spent on clever…

A close up of tall grass seed heads, with the dawn sky in the bckground.

My 5AM Morning Routine: How to Get the Most out of Every Day

Have you ever wished that there were more hours in the day? Or wondered how you could be more productive with your time? Do you feel you are fighting against time as you try to get the most out of your day? Here’s my secret weapon. Time is a very valuable resource, especially now that…

Two small children sit side-by-side. Both are fixated on a smart phone which the child on the right holds in his hands.

Toddlers and Technology: Parenting with Simple Values in a Complex Modern World

Is technology all it’s cracked up to be? Does it really bring the freedom that it promises? Does it provide that perfect combination of entertainment and education for our children? Does social media actually bring you closer to friends and family? My husband and I have made a very conscious choice to live a simple,…

An empty beach on a Winter's day

A Quiet, Minimal, Smallholding Christmas

What does your ideal Christmas Day look like? The entire extended family gathered around one big table? Or something more quiet and minimal? Christmas means something different to each of us. Some like a big, extended family gathering. Others spend the day with just their nuclear family. Still others prefer to get away somewhere remote…

A display of new clothing in a department store

How Can I Make My Wardrobe More Eco-Friendly?

Have you ever thought about making your wardrobe more sustainable? Do you consider the environmental impact of purchases when shopping for clothes? Read on for 10 top tips to help you make your clothing collection more eco-friendly. I had a fairly typical city upbringing, and shopping was a go-to weekend activity for my family. I…

A pot of warming winter stew and dumplings, alongside a serving of the stew in a bowl. The pot and bowl are displayed in front of a range cooker with the fire going.

Recipe: Delicious Vegetarian Sausage and Bean Creamy Stew

There’s nothing better than a hot bowl of hearty, comforting stew on a cold winter’s day. I especially like that stews and casseroles can be prepared ahead of time, avoiding a late afternoon panic about what to make for dinner. Today, I’ve assembled the stew during the afternoon, keeping myself warm in front of the…