A newly planted orchard of young saplings that are just getting started

How to Start an Orchard: Wedding Gifts for Smallholders

What do couples put on their wedding gift lists nowadays? Most couples live together for a while before even getting engaged. The traditional list of items necessary to set up a new home together seems a little outdated, in an era when the newlyweds already have all the kitchenware, towels and bedding that they need…

An empty beach on a Winter's day

A Quiet, Minimal, Smallholding Christmas

What does your ideal Christmas Day look like? The entire extended family gathered around one big table? Or something more quiet and minimal? Christmas means something different to each of us. Some like a big, extended family gathering. Others spend the day with just their nuclear family. Still others prefer to get away somewhere remote…

A woman sitting on a stool in a green field on a sunny Winter's day. She is surrounded by three sheep. The sheep are enjoying a cuddle and head rub.

Do Sheep Make Good Companion Animals?

Sheep are beautiful animals. Who doesn’t love to see wee spring lambs frolicking about in the fields? But I suspect relatively few people have considered their potential as pets or companion animals. Here’s a little bit about my experience. Are All Sheep Created Equal? There are many different breeds of sheep, each with different characteristics….

A pot of warming winter stew and dumplings, alongside a serving of the stew in a bowl. The pot and bowl are displayed in front of a range cooker with the fire going.

Recipe: Delicious Vegetarian Sausage and Bean Creamy Stew

There’s nothing better than a hot bowl of hearty, comforting stew on a cold winter’s day. I especially like that stews and casseroles can be prepared ahead of time, avoiding a late afternoon panic about what to make for dinner. Today, I’ve assembled the stew during the afternoon, keeping myself warm in front of the…